In order to reduce the spammers, google releases the updates periodically. Google released a new algorithm on July 2014 named pigeon. Google released this algorithm to scrutinize local listings in search pages.Google hasn’t named this algorithm search engine land named this algorithm as a Pigeon.

This new algorithm has affected many  local search engines in the  US.This update helps the search engine seekers to find relevant and useful information. The goal of this update is to return relevant data for the search seekers and receive good ranking in search pages.Before this update google resulted irrelevant pages, merely after this update those irrelevant pages were taken out.


image before pigeon update

image before pigeon update

In the above picture the user is expecting for the content in yelp where the user is explicitly searching for the content in yelp, but the search page results in a gray Danko page it is wrong. Yelp content is in the second link.Later in this pigeon update the searched engine provides the data what the user is specifically searching for. This is really useful for search seeker and it gains more ranking in search pages.

Image after pigeon update

Image after pigeon update

The image presented above is connected up to the seeker search.After the google’s pigeon update the search page looks like above.Due to pigeon update many sites getting more rankings and stronger visibility  some of the sites are Yelp,Yellowpages,TripAdvisor,OpenTable and in local directory-style too.

Google hasn’t got to any official advertisement about the pigeon update. This algorithm created major impact in the US and Canada. There are no data from the google that when they will update this algorithm to other nations.

If you want to know whether your site has been affected from the pigeon update,Check your web analytics,search queries and top page report in google webmaster tools.Square off the pages thoroughly that gained or pulled rank after July 2014.In the store locator place add information as much you can add such as shop address,city,contact number and mail id etc.

What needs to be done to avoid pigeon penalty

Make sure that your local listing is common on all your local listings since  google avoids listing you on search when there is no consistency.As per the current update it seems google is focusing more on Local listing to help the users better.

If you want your local listing to be precise and do you want to recover from pigeon update please mail us to and visit to view more about us.